Thursday, 14 June 2012

Thinking Skills

Did you know, the age at which teenagers think the most fun. In this age they produce all kinds of fun ideas. According Ainon and Abdullah (1996) after passing the age of 12 you start to formulate ideas right idea because they have ideas that they know, hear or read. After that they began to be defending their ideas because they do not want their ideas are regarded as wrong or bad.

Recognising this, the teacher must give encouragement to the students want to use the technique of thinking. The students like to think and enjoy using their minds to produce a variety of ideas. Therefore, teachers can encourage them to make the study as a fun time. Make the play situation similar situation think that life thinking activities, fun and please them.

According to Isaac Ramly (2003) who take the view Dewey and Edward de Bono, explaining that the think is the problem-solving behavior as an effort to adapt to the environment. Besides that conscious thought is a process and happens in the mind that seeks to find the goal or purpose and to solve problems.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

..:Si Tenggang:..

This is a poem written by Muhammad Haji Salleh
The physical journey that I traverse is the journey of the soul,
Transport of the self from a fatherland to a country collected by sight and mind,
The knowledge that sweats from it is a stranger's knowledge,
The changing realities

It's true I have growled at my mother and grandmother
But only after having told of my predicament
The wife that I began to love in my loneliness,
In the country that alienated me,
They took to their pre decisions,

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


This time I want to share about listening for enjoyment. Skills are not just required for serious, formal and academic purposes. We depend much on our listening skills during our leisure time. And even while driving the car, we need our listening skills to be able to listen to and to appreciate what we hear on the radio. Listening for pleasure includes listening to songs, poems, and other aesthetic and enjoyable materials that we indulge in our daily lives.

Listening in these situations require sophisticated and efficient skills of listening.For example, in listening to songs, we need to listen for the lyrics amidst the background of music. Knowing the words in a song provides us with additional pleasure allowing us to relate to the images and connotations the words trigger in the lyrics of the song.Thank you for reading my post .. I love you all...

Monday, 11 June 2012

Auditory discrimination

      Auditory discrimination is concerned with looking at and listening to speech sounds in terms of how they are produced (articulated) in the vocal tract including sounds and sound patterns associated with the systematic patterning of a particular word articulation or pronunciation. For example, how can we describe the different pronunciation of cat and cats? A hissing s-sound is noted for cats. This hissing sound is produced by air flowing from the lungs and passing through a narrow passage between the tongue tip and the roof of the
mouth. For the purpose and intention of this topic, we will first focus our attention on the main elements of articulatory sounds, such as consonants, vowels, diphthongs, homophones and homonyms. The thrust of this topic will be on listening to correct articulation in preparation for correct speech production later.

       Phonetics is the study of sounds made by humans when they talk. A change of sound in a word can change the meaning of the word. For example, the word Mat is made up of three main sounds i.e. m + a + t = mat. If we change the first  sound to b, than we have b + a + t = bat, which refers to another thing. Any sound that changes the meaning of a word is called a phoneme.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

The Meaning of Professional Ethics

               Professional ethics designate the moral values that a group of similarly trained people develop to control their performance of a task or their use of resources. People internalise the rules and values of their professional culture just as they do those of their society. They reflexively adhere to professional rules and values when deciding on how to behave.

         Some organisations have many groups of professional employees   nurses, lawyers, researchers, doctors and accountants   whose behaviour is governed by professional ethics. Professional ethics help shape the organisation. As culture and determine the values its members use in their dealings with other stakeholders. Most professional groups are allowed to enforce the ethical standards of their profession. Doctors and lawyers for instance, can be banned from practising if they violate their professional rules.