Thursday 14 June 2012

Thinking Skills

Did you know, the age at which teenagers think the most fun. In this age they produce all kinds of fun ideas. According Ainon and Abdullah (1996) after passing the age of 12 you start to formulate ideas right idea because they have ideas that they know, hear or read. After that they began to be defending their ideas because they do not want their ideas are regarded as wrong or bad.

Recognising this, the teacher must give encouragement to the students want to use the technique of thinking. The students like to think and enjoy using their minds to produce a variety of ideas. Therefore, teachers can encourage them to make the study as a fun time. Make the play situation similar situation think that life thinking activities, fun and please them.

According to Isaac Ramly (2003) who take the view Dewey and Edward de Bono, explaining that the think is the problem-solving behavior as an effort to adapt to the environment. Besides that conscious thought is a process and happens in the mind that seeks to find the goal or purpose and to solve problems.

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