Let us read the sharing of knowledge for this about A project based learning ......
A project based learning method is a comprehensive approach to instruction. Pupils work in small groups to complete a project. In project-based learning, Pupils practice an interdisciplinary array of skills from math, language arts, fine arts, geography, science, and technology. The project requires integration of cognitive skills (content knowledge) with soft skills (communication, teamwork, and critical thinking). Thus, supporting information / lessons may be included to equip Pupils to undertake activities, otherwise Pupils are expected to draw upon knowledge from previous lessons.
Pupils can own their checklists to keep themselves on track and allows them to take responsibility for their own learning through peer- and self-evaluation. According to Marx et. al. (1994), project-based instruction often has a “‘driving question’ encompassing worthwhile content that is anchored in a real-world problem; investigations and artifacts that allow Pupils to learn concepts, apply information, and represent knowledge in a variety of ways; collaboration among Pupils, teachers, and others in the community so that participants can learn from one another; and use of cognitive tools that help learners represent ideas by using technology…
Pupils will be trained to integrate information in ways that match their experience and into meaningful context. The academic skill of integrating related information is trained the pupils learn in project-based instruction by doing, creating, thinking and making something that has a meaningful outcome.
An Example of Activities for a Project-based Learning Approach(Edwards, 2002)
Name of Project: Create and play a travel game with common road maps
Objective: When pupils complete this project, they will be able to
Understand and Use a road map.
Create travel games using a common road map.
Work together as a group to accomplish game creation and completion.
Research and Interpret general map symbols and meanings.
Calculate map mileage and scale.
Write creative playing cards depicting game rules and travel events.
Use technology to research maps and map interpretation
1. **Teacher introduces the project to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to pupils about the main concepts behind the project (such as teamwork, health, community improvement), so that the project will become meaningful to the pupils.
3. Teacher introduces the rubric for specific assessments of the project.
4. Divide the class into groups (optional).
5. Teacher provides some related materials or resources (such as research website etc) which allow the pupils to become familiar with the knowledge.
6. The pupils need to organize all their material
7. Pupils discuss (supervised by teacher) about activities to complete the project.
This is me sharing me this time. wish you all happy. Thank you ....
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